This is Parker functioning as your irate (or ecstatic depending on the film) movie critic. There really is no form or function to my cinematic musings. I see a flick I enjoy or possibly hate, I'll pop a squat and write about it.
Example: I re watched Vicky Christina Barcelona last night. I described it on my twitter account (find me at cpcouch) as Frothy beach novel fused with Sartre and Shakespeare, with a little Woody Allen thrown in of course.
At this junction of the post/review/musing/rant/praise I will possibly continue on with plot synopsis, character critique or aesthetics dissection. For the casual film goer however, the above two sentence summary will prob. be enough, and for the casual,casual film goer, I will add letter grade (Vicky Christina Barcelona would rank around the A- area par example)
Other than that, the posts will come fast and furious when I am watching alot of film. And not so much when work and school are consuming me.
Until then Go to your local store, or online pirating, movie streaming websites (for you cheaters) and check out Woody Allen's newest.
Like the blog. Way to jump into the 21st century. And you may be on to something with "Twogging." Keep the posts coming. I'm adding you to my Google Reader subscriptions.