Monday, May 25, 2009

LeLame Rant

Parcour and I have decided that we are not big Lebron James fans, and we'd like to speak our minds about it. Pardon our frankness.

Braves weekend Series

Well, happy Memorial Day to you all.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Great Friday Night in sports

Just a few words about 3 different sports. Let me know if I should do anything different. This video blogging thing is still in the early stages. And I'd love some input. 

Bottle Shock

Just finish watching Bottle Shock with the great Allan Rickman. Below is my review. It is pretty easy to tell I am tired and ready for bed so I apologize for the distant gaze in my eyes.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Terminator salvation

The end of school really ate into any free time I had, but with summer comes new opportunities to write AND a switch over to a video format. I will try to type out some posts as well, but video posts are faster, easier, and (I think) more fun to watch.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Welcome back with some basketball

So I'm going to start video blogging. Sorry if I'm awkward at first, I can't help it.